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Vegas Weddings may be Down but Royal Travel is Up
While December through February might be the season for love, according to the number of proposals that happen during the holidays and Valentine’s Day, but it seems the wedding capital…
Diamonds Shine Brighter than the Stars at the Grammy’s, But Just Barely
Diamonds and happy couples were out in full force at the Grammy Awards this weekend, with celebrities displaying the latest trends in jewelry fashion, as well as the appreciation for…
Another Kardashian Engagement Ring, Another Reality Spinoff
It looks like another Kardashian sister may be set to walk down the aisle soon, as rumors have begun to swirl that Kourtney Kardashian may have already received an engagement…
Enormous Heart Shaped Diamond Auctioned at Christie’s
Christie’s Auction house’s upcoming Magnificent Jewels auction may not be held until May 18th 2011, but it seems the world famous auction house couldn’t wait to showcase one of its…
An Engagement Ring Guide: A 2011 Trend Compilation
With the rush of the winter holidays over with, and the pressure of Valentine’s day behind us, matrimonial minded folks have the time to carefully plan and ease their way…
Engagement Rings and Valentine’s Day: Modern ‘Courtly Love’
Valentine’s Day has its roots in both Roman and Christian traditions, and while the exact origin is not knows, there are several theories and more than a couple Saint Valentine’s…
Exchanging Wedding Rings this Valentine’s Day: Unusual Venues
This Valentine’s Day a few lucky couples were given the chance to tie the knot, almost literally on cloud nine. Thanks to a recent wedding contest, 14 brides-to-be and their…
Give Them Your Heart: Valentine’s Day Gifts
Valentine’s Day is about love, the heart, and romance. With traditional symbols like heart outlines, and cupid wings. Everyone remembers the days when greeting cards and chocolates were exchanged in…
In the Mood for Love: A Look Back at Some of the Biggest Celebrity Weddings
In honor of all the couples planning to exchange wedding rings this Valentine’s Day, let’s take a look at some of the most lavish celebrity weddings of days gone by. …
Part of a Set: Matching Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands
Women like to match their purse to their shoes, or their scarf to their gloves, and much in the same vein they want to match their engagement ring to their…