What’s in for Spring: Engagement Ring’s Latest Trends
Spring is upon us and love is in the air, which signifies one sure fire annual retail tradition; bridal season. And in honor of the hands that will be asked…
A Verragio Engagement Story: When Happily Ever After is just a Facebook Click Away
When Jamie Dey Wolf clicked ‘Like” on Verragio’s Facebook page, she wasn’t exactly dropping a hint, but her boyfriend, Bryan McCurley, was definitely taking it as one. “I had seen…
The New Verragio App Has Arrived
It is funny how smart phone applications have become so prevalent today that the term ‘app’ has become part of our cultural conversation. With that thought in mind, we introduced…
Verragio’s Raised Engagement Rings: Just a Bit Above the Rest
The evolution of the engagement ring has gone from family heirlooms, to standard solitaires, and has now become works of art and unique expressions of personal taste over the years. …
Which Engagement Ring Category Do You Fall Into?
Engagement ring styles, like all other areas in fashion, can exhibit a something new and fresh, or a resurgence of a once popular look. And the added beauty of the…
An Engagement Ring Guide: A 2011 Trend Compilation
With the rush of the winter holidays over with, and the pressure of Valentine’s day behind us, matrimonial minded folks have the time to carefully plan and ease their way…
Give Them Your Heart: Valentine’s Day Gifts
Valentine’s Day is about love, the heart, and romance. With traditional symbols like heart outlines, and cupid wings. Everyone remembers the days when greeting cards and chocolates were exchanged in…
Solomon’s Fine Jewelry: A Verragio Premier Boutique and Valued Partner
Solomon’s Fine Jewelry in Plainview New York is not just a Verragio Premier Boutique, but with the family’s combined 64 years of experience, they are experts in the bridal business.…
Verragio’s Valentine Wish List
Jewelry sales for Valentine’s day is set to increase about 11 percent from last year, according to a report from IBISWorld, a company that provides industry market research analysis. Luxury…
Gold Jewelry on the Rise
Gold prices may have gone down in the U.S. but they have soared internationally, according to a newly issued report by the World Gold Council. Globally an increase in jewelry…