Here’s one for the expectant grooms to be…
So you have found the woman of your dreams. Now all you need is the ring of hers. Here’s a quick guide of some of the more popular cuts to help maximize her happiness.
For the lady who is always in vogue: Engagement ring with Asscher is the way to go. Often called the Royal Asscher, this variation of the classic Emerald cut has gained popularity among the Hollywood set. After an appearance on the television show Sex & The City, the Asscher has been seen on celebrities like Kate Hudson, Elizabeth Hurley, and Jessica Alba. The blocked corners and downward cut creates a hall of mirrors effect that is perfect for a woman that likes to keep up with the trends.
For the lady with a lot of class, but also a little sass: Present her with a Princess ring. We have already extolled the virtues of a Princess before and while its popularity ranks just behind the more common Round, this style is second to none. Since its invention in the 1970’s, the Princess has since become a modern classic. With clean lines that create a square shape, it still retains all the sparkle of a Round. If your love is a modern lady who is just a touch old fashioned, the Princess is a safe bet.
For the lady who has it all: Try a Cushion cut. Not only is this an interesting alternative to a more prevalent Princess cut, but it is relatively rare. This cut is a combination of a round and square cut, crafted to look like a cushion. Whether it is made as a solitaire or paired with other stones, this style is sure to be something her girlfriends don’t have.

So remember; know her personality, know her ring. And make sure to visit us on Facebook to tell us what ring you chose and why.